SHC Fight Against COVID-19
We're in it together! Let's all do our part.
SHC will see you through!

What is SHC doing to help in the fight against COVID-19?
The safety and health of our staff and patients are always a top priority at SHC. Our staff are in the community every day and are always vigilant about protecting their—and their patients’—health.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, SHC staff and caregivers have remained on the job, continuing to do the crucial work of keeping Georgia peaches healthy and at home in these challenging times!
All staff is also required to screen themselves every day to ensure they do not have a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms—or any other illness that might be passed along to patients or their families.
In doing our best to protect our workforce and patients, while also continuing to play a vital role in stemming COVID-19 mortality county wise SHC will continue to educate our staff on updated COVID-19 information as they come in from the department of health.
What other steps is SHC taking to keep patients, plan members, and the community safe?
Education. All staff has been trained in minimizing the chances of their becoming infected with COVID-19 and transmitting the infection to those they care for, as well as in identifying the symptoms, safety, and screening practices.
Communication. SHC has activated its Emergency Response System to provide the most up-to-date information to staff.
Collaboration. We are working closely with the Georgia Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in addition to state and federal agencies and medical facilities, to make sure our procedures and guidelines reflect the most current medical information.
For More Information
This is a rapidly changing situation. For updates, please see these resource pages from the Georgia State Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Georgia State has also established a hotline for questions and information: 866-399-8938.