"In the comfort & safety of your home"

Whether you’re looking for senior care for an elderly parent, help for yourself after surgery, or guidance making dietary and lifestyle changes after your teen was diagnosed with diabetes or your spouse with congestive heart failure, SHC has the resources, the knowledge, and the expertise to deliver the care you need.
And whether you’ve planned in advance for home care or you’re facing a crisis and need an immediate solution, SHC brings the care to you in your home, whether that’s a high rise apartment, a single-family in the suburbs, or a skilled nursing facility.
Home Is Where the Care Is
Home. It’s where you feel safe. It’s your refuge, your haven.
And when you aren’t feeling well, it’s where you want to be—cared for by experts who can provide you with the skilled medical care you need and who care about you as a person, not just a patient.
You can be confident that your care team members have the skills and training to provide you with the best medical care possible, and you can be reassured that your care team members also have the compassion to make sure you feel cared for. We know that you’ll recover best when you feel like you can trust your care providers. Your care team staff will take steps to put you at ease and make sure you’re comfortable with all procedures they do and feel confident that you can manage on your own until the next visit.
The fact is, we know that most people don’t think about home care until they need it. That’s okay. We have dedicated, caring professionals and we’re ready to help when—and where—you need us most.
Bringing the Care to You
We know the city and the surrounding counties, because they’re our home, too.
Our employees often live in neighborhoods where they work. They can help you find a 24-hour pharmacy that delivers or a nearby medical supply store. Our staff represents the diversity of Georgia.
SHC is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year—including holidays. Contact us any time at 1-404-429-0631. Your call will be answered by an expert who will listen to your concerns and help you get the care you need.